At Amazon, we celebrate National Father’s Day in Spain by giving visibility to some of the Amazon families within our Operations Network, where fathers and sons work together at the same fulfillment center.
This is the case of Santiago and his son, Santi. Both work at Amazon’s Fulfillment Center in San Fernando de Henares (MAD4), and, even though they are in different teams and schedules, they always try to spend some time together during lunch time or during the breaks.
Santiago Andrés started working at Amazon back in 2014, with no previous logistics experience. He first joined as a Replenishment associate, but in a matter of months he got promoted to Problem Solver in the Receive department, overseeing all the stock coming from sellers to the FC. After a couple of years, he continued showing interest on the Operations’ procedures, and so he got promoted to a Lead role within the Receive department, demonstrating that Amazon gives employees the opportunity to fulfill their dreams of growing both personally and professionally.
“The best of working at Amazon is that no matter where you come from or the experience you might have, Amazon gives you the opportunity to learn and become what you really want to if you show enough interest and passion about it”, highlights Santiago.
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Santiago’s son (Santi) decided to follow his steps after his father’s experience: “One of the main reasons that truly moved me to apply to Amazon was seeing my dad’s growing professionally within the company, and his positive comments on Amazon working conditions he always talked about when we were together at home”.
Santi joined Amazon in June 2020 after his father’s recommendation, where he is working at the Stow department, and also finishing his studies in IT Maintenance. This way, once he gets graduated, he hopes to apply for a job at the RME (Reliability & Maintenance Engineering) department at one of our Amazon centers within the network.

Almost 600 Km away from this site, we have the second family story, with Daniel and his son Diego who, by pure chance, started working at Amazon’s Fulfillment Center in El Prat (BCN1) on the same exact day. “We actually talked about applying to Amazon together as we heard a lot of good stories on working in this company, but we never thought that the both of us will get job… and even on the same day!” - mentions Daniel Fonseca. Coincidences of life… both started working on the same day.
“It’s been great to share this incredible experience with my own son, seeing how we both grow inside the company as Amazon gives you the tools to break any barrier, from learning to personal support”, highlighted Daniel.
For Diego, this is his first job and he was really excited to share this experience with his dad. “When we started back in 2018, we were living in the same house and came together to work. I thought I would get tired of seeing him at home and at work! But on the contrary, we appreciate every moment we spend together, even at work”, commented Diego.
“I personally believe that Diego will have a long career at Amazon, as the Company has much to offer. It is up to him now. But, for a father, nothing is more important than seeing his children fulfill their dreams”, concluded Daniel.