Parco Italia, Italy’s largest national reforestation programme, has announced the planting of 14,320 trees in a nine hectare area in Malcontenta, Venice.

Parco Italia, promoted by Stefano Boeri Architetti and Fondazione AlberItalia, is a project that begun thanks to a €2 million investment from Amazon’s Right Now Climate Fund, a $100 million initiative supporting climate resilience and nature conservation.

This is the third plantation by Parco Italia in Veneto, after the 3,858 trees planted in three hectares in Camisano Vicentino (VI), and the 8,763 trees in seven hectares planted in Mogliano Veneto (TV). In the next months, a fourth project will launch in the surrounding area of Verona, bringing the total number of plantings in Veneto to 28,941. To date, more than 60,000 trees and shrubs have been planted in sites throughout Italy. Parco Italia is also taking care of the first three years of maintenance.

(ENG) Right Now Climate Fund: Learn how Amazon is helping to build a green corridor in Italy

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Mariangela Marseglia, VP and Country Manager Amazon Italy and Spain, said: “Through our Right Now Climate Fund (RNCF), we support nature-based initiatives like Parco Italia that can help preserve and improve the natural world, benefiting the communities where we operate. The achievement of these goals requires strong collaboration between public and private sectors, and in this view, the projects in Veneto represent a benchmark.”

Parco Italia planting trees in Venice 3

The national reforestation programme Parco Italia

Parco Italia's long-term vision is to plant one tree per city resident across 14 metropolitan areas in Italy: 22 million trees by 2040 in order to create a national network of green ecological corridors able to increase and protect biodiversity, strengthening and expanding the presence of protected areas along the Peninsula.

To reach the European target, Italy should increase the percentage of protected areas by at least 8.7% by 2030. The initial research phase, completed by the Parco Italia team in October 2023, highlighted that the increase in protected areas and the protection of natural resources – managed in order to minimise the risks of fragmentation and increase ecological connectivity – are key tools for the mitigation of the negative effects of habitat loss and ecological fragmentation.

Parco Italia planting trees in Venice 2

Based on national and international forestry guidelines, Parco Italia developed an in-depth analysis for the drafting of a comprehensive guideline document, available on their website, for the design, planning, management, and maintenance of tree plantation sites in Italy.

Amazon's Right Now Climate Fund

In 2022, as part of the Parco Italia programme, Amazon contributed to the planting of more than 6,000 trees in the Metropolitan City of Milan through the Forestami pilot project. Our contribution to Parco Italia is part of our Right Now Climate Fund (RNCF), established in 2019 to support projects that enhance climate resilience and biodiversity, while driving social benefits in the communities where Amazon operates.