07:55 pm: Doors start squeaking and shutters start crackling / Neighbors whisper.
08:00 pm: Claps and cheers for healthcare personnel.
08:10 pm: Mobile movie theater screening: Modern Love
08:40 pm: Neighbors say their farewells – it´s time for dinner.
Since the state of alert and lockdown was declared on March 14th, many balconies have welcomed many dwellers back. Clapping and cheering for our healthcare personnel every day at 08:00 pm is the best motive to visit the balconies and take the opportunity to chat with known neighbors or start a new relationship – from distance. With the neighbor that you came across occasionally in the stairways and with whom now, unwittingly, you have decided to share encouraging cheers.
Because of this situation Amazon Prime Video and the Madrid City Council, decided to create #SeriesDesdeMiBalcon.”We want to offer entertainment to our citizenship, and there is no better way to do it than inviting our citizens to head out to their balconies to watch a projected film,” Amazon Prime Video Senior Brand Marketing Manager, Sara Beneroso, explains.
“This initiative is an entertainment alternative adapted to the current lockdown situation,” she adds. In a giant screen, big enough for all the neighborhood to watch from their balconies, an Amazon Prime Video episode from Modern Love. Sara continues: “We chose this specific episode from Modern Love because it portrays a very special friendship relationship among neighbors, specifically between a janitor and a landowner.” This romantic comedy is based on a column from The New York Times that carries the same name.

This giant screen will tour through every district in Madrid to liven up the hearts of its citizens amidst this current lockdown, which in turn has encouraged our citizens to rediscover and enjoy their balconies.
Stories on COVID-19 days
During this present confinement, Amazon Prime Video has launched a contest of improvised stories and tales. The winning stories will be available through Alexa on May 8 to coincide with the premiere release of the series named “MADRES.”
For each story, Amazon Prime Video contributes by donating tablets and video games to Juegaterapia NGO. This organization offers entertainment opportunities to hospitalized children, who are now suffering too from the consequences of COVID‑19.