Our first workshops were about learning how to build websites using Amazon Web Services (AWS).
During the sessions, our volunteers covered all the basics around building a web page, identified where the videos are stored, and played the video from the web page through a study case.

We also started our new mentorship program with the school. Amazon Web Services HR recruiting team worked with 16-18 years old students on diverse career topics.
The first workshop focused on how to write a resume and prepare for an interview. The second highlighted how students can use social media to look for a job or an internship. They reinforced the importance of creating a personal brand to become visible on social media and websites, by using the appropriate channels. The participants had already created their personal profiles on LinkedIn to prepare for case studies with our HR presenters.

Separately, a group of Amazonians attended the “Zoom Dain job”, the school open day where they explained their roles to students and the skills needed for career development in certain areas.
With the students, AWS partners built a DeepRacer racetrack, our autonomous car to show them how we use advanced machine learning techniques.