On September 26 2018, our popular Academy series is coming back to Brussels for the sixth time. Invited speakers include Vera Jourova, Commissioner to Justice, Consumers & Gender Equality who will be talking about the future of retail and how it affects consumers. Frédéric Duval, Vice President, Amazon France and Malcom Pinkerton, Vice President, eCommerce & Digital Insights at Kantar Consulting.
Our keynote speakers will be followed by a panel discussion around the future of retail with a focus on how we can preserve consumer interests in 21st century policy making and how the role of technology will affect consumers in the long term.
Richard Piggin, Head of External Affairs from Which?, Daniel Dalton, Member of European Parliament, Eirini Zafeiratou, Director, EMEA Public Policy Amazon, and Irina Cruceru, Attaché, Permanent Representation of Romania will participate.
We’ll also have a presentation of 4 European food entrepreneurs presenting their culinary specialties. They will talk about their personal experience and business expansion plans selling through Amazon marketplace.
After the event, a walking diner will follow featuring 4 food stalls related to the culinary entrepreneurs. Among them, Redondo Iglesias specialized in traditional Spanish Ibérico and Serrano ham; MixDeinBrot German producer of organic bread making mixes; Rarezze, a Sicilian company offering a range of artisanal delicacies from local farmers and producers and Mon Petit Panier a French company proposing quality products from local producers to create ready-to-use baskets.